Roles of Partners

In order for such a project to become a reality, many different types of organizations must collaborate. We have the support of the public administration of the city of Basel, the canton of Basel-Stadt, universities, local and global businesses and individuals.

How can you or your institution be involved?

Type of Partner

providers of enabling technologies and platforms for mobile AR experiences

make the technologies optimized for high quality services in Basel available at no cost to the participants in the pilot

inform members of developer communities that this project is running and they have opportunities to contribute

city of Basel and the administrative partners make available to the developers the data sets that are gathered and which are maintained "fresh" for the public good
developers of mobile AR experiences

describe for us the general concept of what you will be building and then be creative in every sense.

When your application or service is ready, make it available via an application store or browser platform to all the citizens and visitors of the city of Basel

providers of private datasets containing points of interest provide the data to the mobile AR applications via APIs such that the innovative services can be created to access them in real time and without cost/fee during the project
providers of network access/connectivity make Internet access services available to the visitors and citizens of Basel for the week of October 24, 2011 for the purpose of permitting anyone to access the mobile AR services without fee or latency
providers of hardware for mobile AR experiences donate handsets with the latest specifications for the purpose that these may be tested with mobile AR services and that those citizens or visitors who lack the hardware may also share in these experiences for a short time
businesses in the local Basel area

collaborate with the developers of mobile AR services by providing data about businesses, the world nearby

collaborate with the project organizers by helping with communications, marketing, media relations, etc.

provide incentives to the developers and the citizen/visitors who are using the mobile AR services by way of prizes, promotional prices and sponsored experiences

educational institutes

encourage your students to develop themselves or develop courses for your students which are tutorials on how to design effective mobile AR services and use the Basel city datasets as the basis

the end of the course/final project would be to participate in and demonstrate their AR experience during the October 25 showcase event in Basel

attendees of ISMAR and the citizens of Basel

participate, download and access as many services as possible during the pilot project period

provide support and feedback to the contributors

The partner benefits

Financial support for the contributions is not available, however, we are seeking to establish donations of services and products which the best applications would be awarded (e.g., a contest).

Partners who contribute to the success of this project first benefit from having an expert panel testing out the applications beginning October 1, 2011. Then, the inputs and feedback can improve the services before the October 24 deadline. 

All applications and services we are aware of will be promoted prior to and during the week of October 24 on this web site and in many others. Awareness will lead to a larger more active community of customers and end users. You can already see the companies who are building applications for this special showcase event on this page.

Media attention in the city will be organized and a special showcase event on the evening of Tuesday October 25 will be open to the public. The project will invite Basel city thought leaders, political figures, city tourism and administration, local and national media to come and experience all the mobile AR services first hand. 

There will be a proposal for an ISMAR workshop to share with the community the experiences of the project, advice to other Smart Cities and developers. If the workshop is accepted by the ISMAR committee, it would take place on October 26.

ISMAR2011 conference chairs will provide free admission to the conference for those developers that publish projects for the ISMAR2011 attendees which are found compelling by a committee and provide true value to the community. Logos of developers of services may be published on the ISMAR2011 conference brochures and on the conference web site.

AR-4-Basel Task Force

This initiative is led by people who are passionate about the worldwide adoption of Augmented Reality by the public who visits and lives in urban environments. Task Force members include:

If you wish to join the task force, please let us know by e-mail to Christine Perey.