Workshop Materials

The interoperability standards showcased in this workshop include:

For more information on these standards, consult their web sites and GitHub repos. Other standards will be introduced during the ISMAR2021 Interoperability and Standards Tutorial and may be added as part of this workshop.

In addition, the workshop will feature the interoperability benefits of the Open Spatial Computing Platform (OSCP).

Updates about standards and the OSCP are published regularly and participants or those interested in interoperability are highly encouraged to attend the Interoperability and Standards Tutorial as well as to engage directly with working groups and committees.

In order to provide the maximum support for those without existing materials and to achieve desired workshop impacts, the organizers will provide access to sample data sets, sample code and validation testing suites.

Please register to receive notification of updates and/or return to this page after September 1, 2021 for more information and to explore the materials in advance of the workshop.

Data Sets

Data Set NameBrief DescriptionStandardSourceLicense
[To Come][To Come][To Come][To Come][To Come]
[To Come][To Come][To Come][To Come][To Come]
[To Come][To Come][To Come][To Come][To Come]

GitHub Repositories

GitHub Repo NameBrief DescriptionProvider
[To Come][To Come][To Come]
[To Come][To Come][To Come]
[To Come][To Come][To Come]

Open AR Cloud Open Spatial Computing Platform Testbed in Bari

Instructions for tools and creation of accounts on the platform and testbed will be provided.